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Version: 7.23.0 πŸš€

UI Questions & Samples

Change logo at the top left corner​

You can replace both full and minimized versions of logo in public/assets/img/brand folder.

If you want to change extension or name of those files, you need to edit the file located at src/containers/DefaultLayout/DefaultHeader.js.

Change menu items on sidebar (left menu)​

Change PageInfos json in src/pages.js.

var PageInfos = {
Dashboard: {
name: getLocalizedText("DASHBOARD"),
url: `/dashboard`,
component: Dashboard,
resourceCode: 'MainPage',
icon: 'icon-speedometer',
Title_Admin: {
title: true,
name: getLocalizedText("TITLE_ADMIN"),
Menu_Admin: {
name: getLocalizedText("ADMINISTRATION"),
resourceCode: 'AdminPages',
icon: 'cui-cog',
defaultOpen: true
Company_Mng: {
name: getLocalizedText("COMPANIES"),
url: '/company',
component: Company_Mng,
parentResourceCode: 'Paes',
resourceCode: 'oeere_e',
icon: 'icon-grid',
Users_Mng: {
name: getLocalizedText("USERS"),
url: '/users',
component: Users_Mng,
parentResourceCode: 'Paes',
resourceCode: 'Users',
icon: 'icon-people',
Parameters_Mng: {
name: getLocalizedText("PARAMETERS"),
url: '/parameters',
component: Parameters_Mng,
parentResourceCode: 'mAdminPages',
resourceCode: 'SystemParameters',
icon: 'icon-list',
LivePreview: {
name: getLocalizedText("LIVE_PREVIEW_LABEL"),
url: '/livePreview',
component: LivePreview,
resourceCode: 'LivePreview_Res',
icon: 'icon-eye',
badge: { variant: 'info', text: 'NEW' }

Domains and base URLs for services​

Domains and base URLs used for services can be changed from .env.development and .env.production files located root of your UI folder.

Those files could be hidden for macOS and linux based operating systems.

UI Environment files

PORT=3000 // UI project's port

Environment variables acquired and used mostly by constants.ts.

export const IdentityURL = process.env.REACT_APP_IDENTITY_URL;
export const AdminURL = process.env.REACT_APP_ADMIN_URL;
export const ApiURL = process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL;
export const ApiURL_2 = process.env.REACT_APP_API2_URL;
export const ApiURL_3 = process.env.REACT_APP_API3_URL;
export const KibanaURL = process.env.REACT_APP_KIBANA_URL;
export const SchedulerURL = process.env.REACT_APP_SCHEDULER_URL;

For further informations about customizing environments check this link.

HTTP methods for API calls​

By default, all requests are done as POST calls.

They can be changed separately for each in src/common/configs/RequestConfig.ts

export const DefaultRequestMethods: IDefaultRequestMethods = {
[Methods.LIST]: HttpMethods.POST, // GET or POST
[Methods.GET]: HttpMethods.POST, // GET
[Methods.INSERT]: HttpMethods.POST, // POST
[Methods.UPDATE]: HttpMethods.POST, // PUT or PATCH
[Methods.DELETE]: HttpMethods.POST, // DELETE
[Methods.EXPORT]: HttpMethods.POST,
[Methods.IMPORT]: HttpMethods.POST,
[Methods.COMMON]: HttpMethods.POST,

Don't forget to change your controller's HttpMethod attributes according to your changes.

What is the structure of a "page"?​

You'll generally be dealing with 4 files for a page in src folder.

  1. pages.js : Manages how your page navigation looks and where on sidebar.
  2. views/Routes/{YourPageName}/{YourPageName}.js : React component of your page. No need to edit this file except some advanced scenarios.
  3. views/Routes/{YourPageName}/{YourPageName}PageConfig.tsx : Page structure specifying title, tabs, resource code, CRUD service urls, buttons and so on.
  4. entities/{YourPageName}.ts : JSON specifying components, groupings, rules, validations and so on.

Check Sample Page and Custom Page for details.

Where are interfaces and enums used in JSON-based pages?​

Find them in src/common/typeConfig.ts

How to relate a resource code for permissions?​

1) In src/pages.js, set resourceCode for each menu item if permission-check needed.

samplePage: {
name: getLocalizedText("SAMPLE_TITLE"),
url: '/samplePage',
component: SampleModelPageConfig,
parentResourceCode: 'SomeParent_Resource_Code',
resourceCode: 'Model_Resource_Code', // Edit this line
icon: 'icon-puzzle',

2) You should set resourceCode property of pageConfig in views/Routes/YourPageName/YourPageNamePageConfig.tsx file in order to match related authorization claims to API calls.

let pageConfig: IPageConfig = {
headerTitle: getLocalizedText('SEARCH_LIST_TITLE'),
tabs: [
title: 'Model Title',
type: SampleModelType,
resourceCode: 'Model_Resource_Code', // Edit this line

Check Authentication & Authorization for details.

Want to create a listing page without insert, update and delete​

Use allowedMethods array property. Each value changes layout accordingly.

let  pageConfig:  IPageConfig  = {
headerTitle: getLocalizedText('SEARCH_LIST_TITLE'),
tabs: [
title: 'Model Title',
type: ModelType,
allowedMethods: [ // Edit this array

TODO: Add an image depicting corresponding buttons

Adding new tab to a page​

Go and find your pageConfig file such as src/views/Routes/YourPageName/YourPageNamePageConfig.tsx and add new item to tabs array.

You can check the example page below with two tabs in it.


import { IPageConfig, Methods, pageConfigWrapper } from '../../../../common/typeConfig';
import ResourceDefinitionType from '../../../../entities/Management/ResourceDefinitionType';
import AuthActions from '../../../../entities/Management/AuthActions';
import { getLocalizedText } from '../../../../common/localizationManager';


var pageConfig: IPageConfig = {
headerTitle: getLocalizedText('SEARCH_LIST_TITLE'),
tabs: [
title: getLocalizedText('RESOURCE_DEFINITION_TITLE'),
type: ResourceDefinitionType,
resourceCode: 'ResourceDefinitionInfo_tab',
editOnModal: false,
list: {
url: 'authResources/list',
get: {
url: 'authResources/get',
insert: {
url: 'authResources/insert'
update: {
url: 'authResources/update',
delete: {
url: 'authResources/delete',
import: {
url: 'authResources/bulkSave'
allowedMethods: [
title: getLocalizedText('RESOURCE_ACTIONS_TITLE'),
type: AuthActions,
resourceCode: 'AuthActionsInfo_tab',
editOnModal: true,
collapseOnEdit: true,
list: {
url: 'authActions/list',
get: {
url: 'authActions/get',
insert: {
url: 'authActions/insert'
update: {
url: 'authActions/update',
delete: {
url: 'authActions/delete',
import: {
url: 'authActions/bulkSave'
allowedMethods: [
customEvents: (resourceDefinition, authActions) => [
[[resourceDefinition.resourceId, "originalValue"], [[authActions.resourceId, "value"]]],

export default pageConfigWrapper(pageConfig);

Be aware of that with customEvents function property, we've formed a primary key-foreign key relation btw tabs. To complete it, check Setting Parent-Child relation btw tabs


Set Parent-Child relation between tabs​

Addition to the previous example, we need to set child model's foreign key's visibility property as shown below. (In this case, resourceId is the foreign key)

import { IType, ComponentType, Visibility } from '../../common/typeConfig';
import { getLocalizedText } from '../../common/localizationManager';


let type: IType = {
actionId: {
isPrimaryId: true,
typeKey: 'action'
resourceId: { // foreign key
label: getLocalizedText('RESOURCE_CODE_LABEL'),
visibility: [BG_FORM, FK_FILTER] // You should at least add these two for foreign key of child model

export default type;

Set Master-Detail (Parent-Child) relation in the same page​

Addition to the previous example, there is another option to set parent-child structure in the same page. Let's assume brand is the master/parent and the product is the child/detail.

This is how it should look like.

products: {
label: "Products of the Brand",
typeInd: ComponentType.TABLE,
labelProps: { position: LabelPositions.ABOVE_INPUT},
visibility: [FORM],
columnSize: { all: 12 },
tableConfig: {
referredPageConfig: ProductPageConfig,
referredTabIndex: 0, // if more than one tab exists in the ProductPageConfig
customEvents: (brand, product) => [
[[brand.brandId, "originalValue"], [[product.brandId, "value"]]],
hideFilters: true,
hideRefreshButton: false,
refreshButtonProps: {
refreshButtonText: "Refresh (test)", // optional
style: { color: 'red' }
brandId: {
label: "Brand Id",
typeInd: ComponentType.NUMERIC_INPUT,
visibility: [BG_FORM, FK_FILTER] // important property

This is how it looks simply: Master-Detail in the same page

What is the "visibility" property of a component means?​

Options starting with BG_ and FK_ should be understood well.

FORMShow in Insert/update mode
FILTERShow in Filter/criteria part for searching
TABLEShow in table as column
BG_FORMSet in insert/update mode in Background like hidden value. It is always posted to insert/update url.
BG_FILTERSet as default hidden filter value in Background . It is always posted as one of filters for listing.
FK_FORMForeign key in insert/update mode
FK_FILTERForeign key in search like hidden value. It is always posted as one of filter for listing.

Set custom error message to a component validation​

Option 1: Use can use customErrMsg property of valRules to override default invalid pattern message.

Option 2: Or you can write a simple function as customValidator to customize any messages for each of your conditions. Additional Example

email: {
label: getLocalizedText("EMAIL_LABEL"),
typeInd: ComponentType.FORM_CONTROL,
visibility: [FORM],
valRules: { // Option 1
customErrMsg: 'This is a customized error message'
password: {
label: getLocalizedText('PASSWORD_CONFIRM_LABEL'),
visibility: [FORM],
valRules: { // Option 2
customValidator: (typeElement, type, showValidations) => {
if (showValidations)
if (type.passwordConfirm.value != typeElement.value)
return getLocalizedText('PASSWORDS_SHOULD_MATCH')
return "";

Radio button sample​

Use customProps property of a field which component type is RADIO_BUTTON.

commDefinitionType: {
label: "Comm Definition",
typeInd: ComponentType.RADIO_BUTTON,
visibility: [FORM, TABLE],
columnSize: { all: 6 },
valRules: { minLength: 1 },
defaultValue: 1,
customProps: {
options: [
label: getLocalizedText('EMAIL_TITLE'),
value: 1
label: getLocalizedText('SMS_TITLE'),
value: 2

Custom validation rule and corresponding warning message​

Use customValidator function property of valRules.

tenantId: {
label: getLocalizedText('TENANT_ID_LABEL'),
isPrimaryId: true,
parentTenantId: {
valRules: {
customValidator: (typeElement, type, showValidations) => { // This part is what you need
if (showValidations && type && type.tenantId && type.tenantId.value > 0 && type.tenantId.value == typeElement.value)
return getLocalizedText("PARENT_TENANT_CAN_NOT_BE_SAME");
return "";

Format/mask a value according to a pattern​

Use maskPattern property.

creditCardNo: {
label: "Credit Card",
typeInd: ComponentType.FORM_CONTROL,
visibility: [FORM],
maskPattern: "9999-9999-9999-9999", // For 16-digit cards
valRules: {
minLength: 13, // Visa and loyalty cards may have 13-digit
maxLength: 19, // Visa: 4024007101013125732
acceptEmptyStrings: true // let it be empty, but if not empty check the valRules

if you want to mask/format it in Table, add tableDataFormatter property.

import VMasker from 'vanilla-masker'; // Don't forget to import the Vanilla Masker in this case
creditCardNo: {
label: "Credit Card",
typeInd: ComponentType.FORM_CONTROL,
visibility: [FORM, TABLE], // Add as column to Table
maskPattern: "9999-9999-9999-9999", // For 16-digit cards
valRules: {
minLength: 13, // Visa and loyalty cards may have 13-digit
maxLength: 19, // Visa: 4024007101013125732
acceptEmptyStrings: true // let it be empty, but if not empty check the valRules
tableDataFormatter: (cellVal, row) => { return VMasker.toPattern(cellVal, "9999-9999-9999-9999") } // This line should be added to format the value in Table

Check vanilla-masker for details.

Limit file/mime types to be uploaded​

Use accept property of customProps for FILE_UPLOADER and UPLOAD_CONTAINER components.

onlyPDF: {
label: "Allow only PDF files",
typeInd: ComponentType.UPLOAD_CONTAINER,
customProps: {
accept: 'application/pdf'
visibility: [FORM]
allImages: {
label: "Allow all image files",
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
customProps: {
accept: 'image/*'
visibility: [FORM]
allImagesAndPDF: {
label: "Allow all image and PDF files",
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
customProps: {
accept: 'image/*, application/pdf'
visibility: [FORM]
} ,
differentMimeTypes: {
label: "Different Mime Types",
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
customProps: {
accept: 'image/*, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .txt'
visibility: [FORM]

Change FILE_UPLOADER's posted data​

By default, posted data for upload components is a json as:

"file": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAvQAAAISCAYAAACjwVuJAAAgAElEQVR4AeydB5wURfbHf70zG4jiAgossCxZghIERVhJBlDgwHAG1EPgCHreX4mCIlFFghhJCnIIKueJqCgiSthFgpJUctolr2Qkbpr....",

You can change customProps's mode to base64.

profilePicture: {
label: "Profile Picture",
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
customProps: {
mode: 'base64' // send file's content as base64 instead of json
visibility: [FORM]

Check also How to manage FILE_UPLOADER's JSON data

Fill dropdown’s options asynchronously when typing​

You should post Criteria to filter.

companyId: {
label: "Company",
typeInd: ComponentType.DROPDOWN_ASYNC,
visibility: [FORM],
optionConfig: {
listUrl: `${Constants.AdminURL}/coreCompany/list`,
getValue: (item) => '@{companyId}',
getLabel: (item) => '@{companyName}',
filterBy: (type, inputText) => ({
companyId: type.companyId.value || 0, // this is used to set if there is already chosen
companyName: inputText // this is the "where" condition

Format values such as date in Table​

Use tableDataFormatter function property. Table formatters re-implemented and moved to constants.ts -> TableFormatters

import TableFormatters from'../../common/TableFormatters'; 
workStartTime: {
label: getLocalizedText('WORK_START_DATE'),
typeInd: ComponentType.DATE_PICKER,
visibility: [FORM, TABLE],
group: group2,
tableDataFormatter: TableFormatters.defaultDateFormatter // find in 'common/TableFormatters'
status: {
label: getLocalizedText('STATUS_LABEL'),
typeInd: ComponentType.DROPDOWN,
visibility: [TABLE, FILTER, FORM],
optionConfig: {
filterBy: (type, inputText) => ({
keyCode: 'LOG_STATUS'
defaultValue: 3,
tableDataFormatter: TableFormatters.parameterFormatter("LOG_STATUS") // matches the "keyCode" + and corresponding current "value" from cache and works multi-lingually

Override the buttons (edit-delete) on the right handside of each row in Table/Grid​

Use actionColumnRenderer function property of tableConfig in YourModelPageConfig.tsx.

import React from 'react';
import ActionRenderer from '../../../components/ActionRenderer';
import Button from '../../../components/Button';

var pageConfig: IPageConfig = {
headerTitle: getLocalizedText('SEARCH_LIST_TITLE'),
tabs: [
title: 'Page Title',
type: About,
resourceCode: 'Some_Resource_Code',
editOnModal: false,
tableConfig: {
actionColumnRenderer: (props) => {
return <>
<ActionRenderer {...props} /> {/* Standard Edit and Delete buttons of Table */}
<a href="#" style={{ height: 30 }} onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); alert("Button pressed"); }}>
<i style={{ color: '#228B22', fontSize: 19 }} className="fa fa-phone fa-lg" />
list: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/list`
get: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/get`
insert: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/insert`
update: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/update`
delete: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/delete`
import: {
url: `${Constants.ApiURL}/someApiService/bulkSave`
allowedMethods: [

Does Table/Grid have lazy-loading feature?​

Yes, by default 100 records (configurable) are fetched. When the end of it reached, automatically next 100 are fetched from server.

How do Table/Grid's built-in search, filter and ordering/sorting functions work?​

Whenever a change done, related service is called instantly to fetch relevant data set.

Use of columnSize in IGroup​

vatRate: {
typeInd: ComponentType.FORM_CONTROL,
defaultValue: getLocalizedText('VAT_RATE_LABEL'),
labelPosition: LabelPositions.ABOVE_INPUT,
visibility: [FORM],
columnSize: { all:6, group: { all: 3 } }, // 3 of 12
group: someGroup

Sample view of colSize in group

Need to change/serialize some data when exporting to excel​

On your entity file
docDate: {
label: 'Document Date',
typeInd: ComponentType.DATE_PICKER,
exportConfig: {
label: 'Change Column Label in Excel if Needed',
order: 1
exportSerializer: (typeElement, value) => {
if (value == null || value === "" || value == '0001-01-01T00:00:00')
return "";

return moment((value as Date)).format('DD/MM/YYYY');

Limit/set max file size of FILE_UPLOADER or UPLOAD_CONTAINER​

On your entity file
documentFile: { 
label: 'Document',
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
visibility: [FORM],
customProps: {
maxFileSize: 2048, // default is 10240 KB
accept: '.pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx'

File Uploader can be styled with 'customProps' in order to set sizes​

On your entity file
categoryDesc: {
label: "Category Desc",
typeInd: ComponentType.FILE_UPLOADER,
visibility: [FORM, TABLE, FILTER],
labelProps: {
position: LabelPositions.ABOVE_INPUT,
style: {
fontSize: 45,
fontWeight: 'bolder',
textAlign: 'center'
customProps: {
style: { height: 80 },
imageStyle: { height: 50 }

Label can be styled with 'labelProps' in order to set its style​

labelProps property has been added to manage Component's label properties (ITypeElement -> labelProps)

On your entity's any field
labelProps: {
style: {
color: 'red',
fontWeight: 'bolder',
textAlign: 'right'

Customizing Components for FILTER​

Now you can manage separately validation rules and default values of the Component's FORM and FILTER modes

valRules: {
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 150
filterValRules: {
minLength: 3,
maxLength: 5
defaultValue: 'form value',
filterProps: {
defaultValue: 'filter value'

Set custom properties to PROGRESS_BAR​

downloadBar: { 
label: 'Download Bar',
typeInd: ComponentType.PROGRESS_BAR,
visibility: [FORM],
customProps: {
striped: true,
animated: true,
color: 'danger'